7 Things one must know about AI

7 Things one must know about AI


 As stated by Wikipedia, Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence possessed by Machines, just like human intelligence. It is demonstrated as the ability of machines to mimic characteristics associated to intelligence such as cognitive abilities, problem solving, learning and decision-making.

Ever since the term has been coined in 1956, by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist and cognitive scientist as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines", the field of Artificial Intelligence has bloomed and gained so much of popularity. Nowadays Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a new field of study, it’s not just researchers and people from technical branches who have been fascinated by the promising future that lies with Artificial Intelligence, but everyone has seemed to get amazed by what changes for good can be brought by Artificial Intelligence.

Source : iStock photo

Artificial Intelligence had been present for a past few decades where it has continued to develop and grow its presence and increase its significance, but it has seen a major surge over the last two decades as it is prioritizing to revolutionize a digital transformation of society. In the applications section below we have listed 7 Things one must know about AI with a brief introductory explanation of each. These are the applications of AI in real word problems.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Though AI can perform a varied domain of tasks but a few of it can bring astounding changes to technical and non-technical industries too, listed below are the 7 Things one must know about AI with a brief introductory explanation of each.

1. Natural Language Processing

According to Syracuse University (Centre of Natural Language Processing), Natural Language Processing is an approach towards making machines smarter by inferencing the need to input the data and get operations performed and retrieving data based on it. NLP is a step towards making machines analyse and respond to human languages just like humans comprehend language. NLP could reduce the time complexity and increase the ease with which we can interact with machines for performing a varied domain of tasks. There can be levels of NLP going from understanding keywords in text or speech to a full-fledged human-like interacting machine. Speech Recognition used by many digital assistants is an example of NLP, Other examples of NLP include text inferencing.

This was the first application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.

Source: iStock Photo

2. Data Science

With tons of gigabytes of data being analysed, modified, added, deleted on a daily basis, Artificial Intelligence would bring new methodologies and techniques to categorize, distribute, secure and other operations to be performed with data. AI would be helpful in finding, establishing patterns and insights for multiple types of data, which would be an add on to the industry of Data Science. In the near future Artificial Intelligence and Data Science; These two industries would be coexistent inter-dependent. Established links in between these two would be proven a boon to every technical firm as they have to deal with handling multiple types of data performing variety of operations on them, and then retrieving data for successful further procedure in completion of the task.

This was the second application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.

Source: Pixabay

3. Scientific Analysis

The advancement in AI could bring an impact in multiple types of scientific analysis and researches. AI could be useful in faster and more accurate weather prediction by combining satellite imagery, geographic patterns, multiple measurement units of winds, pressure etc., and heuristics of past years. With the help of AI, we can find patterns in astronomical events and expand space-exploration, by variations in stellar activity and already existing data sets. Not only this but with AI we could also unveil the secrets of Quantum Physics, Time Travel and various hypotheses; previously with the use of Quantum Computing we have been able to solve mathematical models and logics too. Quantum AI, Google, is a tool that has been brought to perform tasks of Quantum Computing.

This was the third application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.

4. Health        

According to researchers and medical professionals of the Harvard University the use of AI can be in diagnosing any health conditions and diseases more efficiently and treating those diseases accordingly. AI could be a helping hand while performing tumour removal and transplant surgeries efficiently with reducing complexity of surgeries and time needed for surgeries, and increasing ease of medical practitioners for the same. AI could also be helpful treating newly emerging disease based on the disease-causing microbes, analysing its structure and finding the breakthrough mechanism for it. With advancement in AI, we could move a step further to gaining mortality by performing processes such as cell regeneration and reverse ageing.

AI in medical field could have enormous impacts in fields like Genetic Engineering and Biochemical Engineering. A similar application of AI can be production of disease-detecting nanobots which would be injected in a person’s bloodstream and they will detect the presence of diseases in body. Not only nanobots but other algorithms such as DLAD & LYNA have made an impact in cancer detection even at early stages.

This was the fourth application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.

5. Financial Analysis and Finance Management

According to Financial Stability Board(FSB), Accompanied with data science AI have been abled to track user-data consumption and creating a pattern for it, AI would recommend products and services to user based on what they’ve been looking for or searching recently. This would lead to creation of more efficient selling strategies for the firms.

Not only this but AI could revolutionize managing personal finance and investing options to a whole new potent as it could automate stock trading, by finding pattern out of trends in past, and optimization of choosing shares by finding what suits best the optimal options based on ones checklist of budget and time goals. 

Not limited to this but AI could predict and forecast upcoming changes in the market, vulnerabilities of the market, macro and micro financial analysis. AI can also be used to make secure networks for transactions and surveillance of fraudulent behaviour and minimizing the potential risk of fraudulence.

This was the fifth application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.


6. Engineering 

Though itself being a stream of engineering Artificial Intelligence can bring a revolution by being complementary to other fields of engineering. The methodologies of AI can be implemented in any kind of engineering stage be it planning, designing, fault-finding, error solving and manufacturing. The use of AI can already be seen for AI planning engines for planning, Computer Aided Designing(CAD) at designing phase, Fault detection with the use of combination of Passive Fault Tolerant Control (PFTC) and Active FTC (AFTC) fault finding sensors and actuators, and error solving with the helping hand of domain experts input once for all kinds of possible errors , and industries have been using automated robots for manufacturing and production since over 2 decades.

This was the sixth application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.

7. Strong AI

Strong AI is a domain of Artificial Intelligence which talks about development of humanoid robots who act and behave like humans. Strong AI includes implementation of Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Expert Systems, Natural Language Processing. Though the presence of Strong AI is not yet completely achieved, Sophia, the humanoid-robot made by Hanson Robotics is a popular live example of Strong AI. One thing associated to Strong AI is that it can actually get smarter with time on its own by using concepts of deep-learning & machine learning which enables it to apply heuristics and learn from experiences and adding any new information provided to it. Yet the achievement of judging right or wrong information and selective information by using screening and differentiating concepts, is pending. And since in near future AI could be having their own decision-making abilities, it is important to enable such concepts for AI to prevent any kind of threats or hazards to both humans and robots.

This was the last application of Artificial Intelligence out of 7 Things one must know about AI.



The above were the 7 things one must know about AI, now after knowing about AI and what wonders it can do, it is important to know about other important aspects of AI as well. Bringing AI in the market may be quite contradictory if we talk about the effect of AI on employment, AI on one hand could bring more jobs as manufacturing of AI abled machines and systematic handling of it would need people who have expertise in it.  With the advancement of AI, it would be needed in detecting problems, getting solutions and predicting results and drawing conclusions based on it.  And at last careful of handling of AI enabled machines, and preventing them from any kind of misguidance by applying concepts of differentiating and judging between right and hazardous information must be ensured to keep a safe environment for coexistence of both – Us and AI.


No. of AI Jobs posted in top 12 countries by GDP 2015 & 2019


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